
Source code

This game is incomplete. I still need to implement a flood fill when you click on an empty cell*. I also don't track win/loss conditions, so it is currently honor system minesweeper.

The game board is written in javascript using pixijs. The logic is written using Purescript.

I originally wrote the game board in javascript using Ramda, which was nice, but I tend to prefer my FP typed. So I rewrote the logic on Purescript, which was lovely to work with.

Calling into Purescript from javascript felt a bit clunky but the javascript part felt a bit clunky in general compared to writing the Purescript. At some point, I'd like to come back and rewrite the gameboard using the purescript-pixi bindings.

* Flood fill has been implemented. Most of the heavy lifting around deciding which buttons to click is actually written in purescript. Then I iterate over those coordinates and reveal the specific buttons. Again, this is something that would be considerably cleaner if I could have written it all in purescript.